Ready for Sea - 13 Sept. - Departed for trials in Delaware Bay Area and enroute Naval Base, Norfolk and at the following weekend.
Departed Norfolk enroute Boston for presentation of silver service 30 Sept.
Departed Boston enroute Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - 4 Oct,
Arrived Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 7 October 1948 for shakedown period.
Departed Guantanamo Bay, Cuba enroute Cristobal, C.Z. 3 November 48.
Arrived Cristobal, C.Z. and At 5, 6 and 7 November 1948.
Departed Cristobal for return to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on 8 Nov. 48.
Arrived Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 10 November 1948.
Departed Guantanamo Bay, Cuba enroute Naval Ship Yard Philadelphia 9 Dec. 48.
Arrived Naval Ship Yard Philadelphia on 15 December 1948.
Departed Naval Ship Yard Philadelphia enroute Naval Base Norfolk 11 May 1949.
Arrived Naval Base Norfolk on 12 May 1949.
Norfolk enroute Guantanamo Bay, 18 May 1949.
Arrived Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on 21 May 1949.
Arrived Kingston Jamaica for weekend 18-19 June 1949.
Departed Guantanamo Bay, Cuba enroute San Juan, P.R. 3 July 1949.
Arrived San Juan, P.R. 4 July 1949.
Departed San Juan, P.H. enroute Culebra for S/B exercises 5 July 49.
Departed Culebra enroute NavBase Norfolk 7 July 1949.
Arrived NavBase Norfolk and at 11 July 1949�
Departed NavBase Norfolk enroute Newport Area and Boston 15 July 49.
Arrived NavShipYd Boston on 18 July 1949.
Departed NavShipYd Boston enroute Newport, RI. Arrived 22 July 1949.
Departed Newport Area (Reserve training cruise] Enroute New York 7/26/1949.
Arrived New York 29 July 1949.
Departed New York enroute Newport area 1 August 1949.
Arrived Newport, RI 6 Aug. (completion of reserve training cruise).
Departed Newport enroute NavBase Norfolk 21 August 1949.
Arrived NavBase Norfolk 23 August 1949.
Departed NavBase Norfolk enroute Newport, RI 27 August 1949.
Arrived Newport, RI 28 August 1949.
Departed Newport, RI 6 September 49, enroute Gibraltar (1st Med.Cru.).
Arrived Gibraltar 16 September (Relieved units of 6th Fleet).
Departed Gibraltar 22 Sept. enroute Malta OpArea for MedLandEx.
Arrived Malta OpArea 26 Sept. and conducted MedLandEx.
Departed Malta OpArea enroute Aranci Bay, Sardinia 27 Sept. 1949.
Arrived Aranci Bay, Sardinia 28 Sept. 1949.
Departed Aranci Bay enroute Golfe Juan, France 29 Sept. 1949.
Arrived Golfe Juan, France 30 Sept. 1949.
Departed Golfe Juan enroute Malta OpArea 10 Oct. 1949.
Arrived Malta OpArca 12 October 1949�
Departed Malta OpArea enroute Bizerte, Tunisia 13 October 1949.
Arrived Bizerte, Tunisia 15 October 1949.
Departed Bizerte enroute Malta OpArea 19 Oct. 1949.
Arrived Malta OpArea 20 Oct. 1949.
Departed Malta OpArea enroute Argostoli, Greece.
Arrived Argostoli, Greece 22 October 1949.
Departed Argostoli, Greece enroute Crete for MedLandEx, 24 Oct. 49.
Arrived Crete and conducted MedLandEx, 25 October 1949.
Departed Crete OpArea enroute Iskenderu, Turkey 25 Oct. 49.
Arrived Iskenderu, Turkey 28 Oct. 49.
Departed Iskenderu, enroute Athens, Greece 31 Oct. 49.
Arrived Athens, Greece on 2 November 1949.
Departed Athens enroute Trieste, F.T. 9 November 1949.
Arrived Trieste, F.T. 12 November 1949.
Departed Trieste enroute Venice, Italy; arriving same day 19 Nov. 49.
Departed Venice, Italy enroute U.S. via Gibraltar,
Arrived Gibraltar and departed for U.S. the same day - 30 Nov. 49.
Arrived NavBase Norfolk 10 December 1949.
Departed NavBase Norfolk enroute Newport, RI 13 December 1949.
Arrived Newport, RI 15 December 1949.
Departed Newport, RI enroute San Juan, P.R. 9 Jan. 50 (ReserveCru.).
Arrived San Juan, P.R. 14 January 1950.
Departed San Juan enroute Newport, RI 16 January 1950.
Arrived Newport, RI 2 January 1950 (Completion Reserve Cruise).
Departed Newport, RI enroute NavShipYd Phila 24 Jan. 1950.
Arrived NavShipYd Phila 25 January 1950.
Departed NavShipYd Phila enroute Newport, RI 11 February 1950.
Arrived Newport, RI 12 February 1950.
Departed Newport enroute NavBase Norfolk 20 Feb. 1950.
Arrived NavBase Norfolk 21 February 1950.
Departed NavBase Norfolk enroute (for PORTREX) 23 Feb. 1950.
Arrived Vieques Is. (off east coast P.R.) Remained until 12 March 50.
Departed Vieques Is. (end PORTREX) commenced forming up for CARIBEX 50.
Completed CARIBEX 50 and departed for NavBase Norfolk 22 March 50.
Arrived NavBase Norfolk 24 March 1950.
Departed NavBase Norfolk enroute Newport 27 March 1950.
Arrived Newport, RI 28 March 1950.
Departed Newport enroute NavShipYd Phila 17 April 50.
Arrived NavShipYd Phila 18 April 50.
Departed NavShipYd Phila enroute NavBase Norfolk 2 May 50.
Arrived NavBase Norfolk 3 May 50, departed same day with TF88 to relieve units of 6th Fleet -(2nd. Fled. Cruise).
Arrived Lisbon, Portugal 13 May 1950.
Departed Lisbon enroute Malta OpArea Via. Palmas Bay Sardinia 16 May.
Arrived Palmas Bay, Sardinia 20 May 1950.
Departed Palmas Bay enroute Malta OpArea 21 May 1950.
Arrived Malta OpArea to conduct MEDLANDEX.
Departed Malta OpArea enroute Augusta Bay, Sicily 24 May 50.
Arrived Augusta Bay, Sicily 25 May 1950.
Departed Augusta Bay enroute Bizerte, Tunisia 31 May 1950.
Arrived Bizerte, Tunisia 1 June 1950.
Departed Bizerte, enroute Naples, Italy 5 June 1950.
Arrived Naples, Italy 8 June 1950.
Departed Naples, Italy enroute Malta OpArea 16 June 50.
Arrived Malta OpArea 18 June 1950.
Departed Malta OpArea enroute Genoa, Italy 18 June 1950.
Arrived Genoa, Italy 21 June 1950.
Departed Genoa enroute La Spezia, Arriving same day 26 June 1950.
Departed La Spezia enroute Golfe Juan, France 29 June 1950.
Arrived Golfe Juan, France 3 July 1950.
Departed Golfe Juan enroute Crete for MEDLANDEX 15 July 1950.
Arrived Crete OpArea and conducted MEDLANDEX on 19 July 1950.
Departed Crete OpArea enroute Athens, Greece 19 July 1950.
Arrived Athens, Greece 20 July 1950.
Departed Athens, Greece 27 July 1950 enroute Buckner Bay Okinawa for duty with the 7th Fleet via the Suez Canal, Red Sea, Gulfe of Aden, Indian Ocean, Colombo, Ceylon, Etc.
Arrived Port Said, Egypt (entrance to Suez Canal from the Med) 7/29/50.
Arriving Suez morning 30 July and passed in the Gulfe of Suez; Red Sea.
Arrived Colombo, Ceylon 7 August 1950.
Departed Colombo, Ceylon 9 August 1950 enroute Okinawa
Arrived Okinawa 19 August 1950.
Departed Okinawa 20 August 1950.
Arrived Keelung, Formosa 21 August 1950.
Departed Keelung, Formosa 27 August 1950. Joined Task Force 77 - 28 August 1950 off coast of KOREA.
Made Airstikes on North Korea 29 August 50 and following days.
Arrived Sasebo Japan 6 Sept, 50. Departed Sasebo Japan 11 Sept. 50.
Arrived West Coast Korea 11 Sept. 50, rejoined 7th Fleet.
Participated in the Invasion of INCHON 15 September 50.
Departed 7th Fleet 21 Sept. 50, enroute POHANG, East Coast Korea.
Arrived Pohang 22 Sept. conducted shore bombardment 22nd to 27th. 9/21-148rds
Picked up USS Brush (27th) hit by mine and escorted to Sasebo.
Arr ved Sasebo 29th departed 30 enroute 38th parallel.
Arrived 38th parallel, 1 Oct, conducted shore bombardment.
Conducted short bombardment on CHONGJIN, CHUURONJANG and SONGJIN on
13th and 17th October 1950. 10/10-1063 rnds. 111,675 lbs. 10/10-150,10/13-100
Arrived Sasebo 23 October 1950. Departed Sasebo 23 Oct. 1950.
Arrived YOKOSUKA, Japan 25 Oct. 50.
Departed YOKOLUKA, Japan 27 Oct. 50 enroute; HONOLULU, T.H.
Departed HONOLULU 4 Nov. 50 enroute PANAMA, C.Z.
Arrived Panama 15 November 1950.
Departed PANAMA 16 Nov. 50, enroute NavBase: Philadelphia, Pa.
Arrived NavBase Phila. 21 November 1950.
Departed NavBase Phila., Pa. 11/27/50
Arrived: Norfolk, Va. 11 /28/50
Departed: Norfolk, Va. 11/29/50
Arrived: Boston Naval Shipyard, Boston, Mass. 12/1/50
Departed: Boston Naval Shipyard, Boston, Mass. 3/20/51
Arrived: Norfolk, Va. 3/22/51
Departed: Norfolk, Va. 3/28/51
Arrived: Gtmo Bay Area, Cuba 4/1/51
Departed: Gtmo Bay Cuba 4/28/51
Arrived: Norfolk, Va. 5/1/51
Departed: Norfolk, Va. (Med Cruise) 5/15/51
Arrived: Agusta Bay Sicily 5/22/51
Dep: Augusta Bay, Sicily 5/27/51
Arr: Athens, Greece 6/1/51
Dep: Athens, Greece 6/8/51
Arr: Taranto, Italy 6/14/51
Dep: Taranto, Italy 6/18/51
Arr: Genoa, Italy 6/22/51
Dep: Genoa, Italy 6/29/51
Arr: Cannes, France 7/2/51
Dep: Cannes, France 7/9/51
Arr: Golfe Juan, France 7/9/51
Dep: Golfe Juan, France 7/16/51
Arr: Izmir, Turkey 7/23/51
Dep: Izmir, Turkey 7/28/51
Arr: Suda, Bay, Crete 8/2/51
Dep: Suda Bay, Crete 8/12/51
Arr: Golfe Juan, France 8/18/51
Dep: Golfe Juan, France 8/22/51
Arr: Cannes, France 8/22/51
Dep: Cannes, France 8/27/51
Arr: Marseille, France 8/28/51
Dep: Marseille, France 8/31/51
Arr: Genoa, Italy 9/8/51
Dep: Genoa, Italy 9/12/51
Arr: Gibraltar ,B.C.C. 9/22/51
Dep: Gibraltar, B.C.C. 9/26/51
Arr: Boston, Mass. 10/4/51
Dep: Boston, Mass. 10/18/51
Arr: Norfolk, Va. 10/20/51
Dep: Norfolk, Va. 10/22/51 Operated off P.R. Anchored at Vieques 10/31/51 Dep: 11/1/51
Arr: Boston, Mass. 11/17/51
Dep: Boston, Mass. 1/8/52
Arr: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 1/15/52
Dep: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 1/16/52
Arr: Boston, Mass. 1/18/52
Arr: Norfolk, Va. 1/31/52
Dep: Norfolk, Va. 2/4/52
Arr: Norfolk, Va. 2/8/52
Dep: Norfolk, Va. 2/11/52
Arr: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 2/14/52
Dep: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 2/19/52
Arr: Galveston, Texas 2/23/52
Dep: Galveston, Texas 2/27/52
Arr: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 3/4/52
Dep: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 3/8/52
Arr: Culebra 3/9/52
Dept Culebra 3/10/52
Arr: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 3/12/52
Dep: Gtmo Bay, Cuba 3/16/52
Arr: Boston, Mass. 3/20/52
Dep: Boston, Mass. 4/22/52
Arr: Oran, Algeria, No. Africa 5/3/52
Dept Oran, Algeria 5/10/52
Arr: Aranoi Bay, Sardinia 5/12/52
Dep: Aranci Bay, Sardinia 5/19/52
Arr: St. Jean, France 5/23/52
Dep: St. Jean, France 5/31/52
Arr: Taranto, Italy 6/2/52
Dep: Taranto, Italy 6/5/52
Arr: Messina, Italy 5 6/52 (Sicily)
Dep: Messina, Italy 6/10/52
Arr: Malta 6/13/52
Dep: Malta 6/13/52
Arr: Naples. Italy 6/16/52
Dep: Naples, Italy 6/22/52
Arr: Cannes, France 7/2/52
Dep: Cannes, France 7/8/52
Arr: Golfe Juan, France 7/8/52
Dep: Golfe Juan, France 7/8/52
Arr: Cannes, France 7/8/52
Dep: Cannes, France 7/15/52
Arr: Athens, Greece 7/24/52
Dep: Athens, Greece 7/31/52
Arr: Izmir, Turkey 8/1/52
Dep: Izmir, Turkey 8/6/52
Arr: Suda Bay, Crete 8/8/52
Dep: Suda Bay, Crete 8 9/52
Arr: Tripoli, Libya 8/13/52
Dep: Tripoli, Libya 8/18/52
Arr: Taranto, Italy 8/23/52
Dep: Taranto, Italy 9/3/52
Arr: Bari, Italy 9/14/52
Dep: Bari, Italy 9/16/52
Arr: Trieste, F.T.T. 9/17/52
Dep: Trieste, F.T.T. 9/20/52
Arr: Venice, Italy 9/20/52
Dep: Venice, Italy 9/24/52
Arr: Gibraltar, B.C.C. 10/2/52 Dept Gibraltar, B.C.C.